25-29 May 2015 lisbon congress center, portugal
Bio & Abstract

David Beni
arx iT

In 2001, David Beni graduated in Software Engineering from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL) where he studied the Geographical Information Systems (GIS) issues. The same year, he set up arx iT SA (www.arxit.com), which specializes in GIS consulting and solutions development. Based in Geneva, arx iT is active in Switzerland but also in France where the company has offices in Lyon and Paris. In 2011, Mister Beni got an MBA from the University of Geneva. As the CEO of arx iT, Mister Beni focuses mainly on business development but also on project and innovation management.

Geneva Cadastral Data Historization (4D)

The SEMO (Service de la Mensuration Officielle) of the Canton of Geneva is responsible for the acquisition, the management and the distribution of the cadastral data. Today, the reference data are updated continuously. This new way of doing integrates by itself the temporality in the data (parcels, addresses, ...) and will thus answer the future challenges of mensuration and will meet the new legal requirements. In short, it aims at providing a way in the near future to visualize and to query a cadastral plan at a given date. First, a phase of conceptual analysis has allowed us to think globally on how to model a temporal database adapted to the SEMO reference data. Then a detailed analysis based on this first step allowed us to study various innovative technical options. This solution is the result of these multiple and varied explorations. A spatio-temporal database has been created, together with a management tool (ArcObjects Add-In / ArcGIS). From then on, it is possible to follow the evolution of a spatial object in time and space - a parcel, for instance - and to identify the related events (creation, deletion and event description). The application can be set so that temporality can be enabled for any given geographical data, after a very easy configuration process. After several months of use in production, we can now provide a feedback on the daily use of the SEMO-4D application and discuss some improvements that have been made after the application was made available to the users of the Official Mensuration Service, most notably a tool that validates modifications before they are saved.

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